Click here to view photos of this special Shabbaton that Chabad of Oxnard hosted in July 2008.

Chabad of Oxnard will host some of the Children of Sderot for a special Shabbaton weekend in Oxnard on July 18-20. Come meet these young heroes and show them your support!

Join our Kiddush lunch after Shabbat services on Saturday July 19 @ 12:30 pm in their honor. Sponsorship opportunities available! Please contact us for details.

Sderot Kids

Imagine a city full of people that looks like a ghost town… Imagine a  town where schools are closed more days than they are open… Imagine teenagers terrified to take showers because they may not hear the siren warning them that a missile is about to strike…

You’ve just imagined life in Sderot, Israel.          

Each day, a constant barrage of missiles leaves children in Sderot terrified of leaving their own homes. 

This July, Children of Sderot Summer Relief Project will airlift over 100 kids out of this hellish war zone to an enjoyable summer at 11 American Jewish Chabad camps.

During the day, they will play sports, laugh with new friends and explore their Judaism. At night, they’ll sleep without fear—for the first time in seven long years.

The directors of 11 large Chabad Jewish summer camps from Boston to Montreal to California have joined together to create this ambitious project. This grass-roots effort, born of these Jews’ great desire to help Sderot, was modeled after a very successful program last year in which 20 children were brought out of this war-zone for a “summer in heaven.”

A group of these children will be coming to Oxnard for a visit! Come meet them and show your support for the Holy Land!


Click below to see a photo album of some of the Sderot children who will be joining Chabad of Oxnard for the July 18-20 Shabbaton.